~READ FIRST> What We're All About?~

In betwixt the chaos and mind-numbing and often confusing chatter about sexuality in our culture, it's easy to end up feeling like ping pong balls being flung back and forth between extremes. Those with the loudest and most radical thoughts are most often heard…but are they the healthiest thoughts for everyone? Do they represent most of US or a small minority? In the end, who represents THE REST OF US? This page is for THE REST OF US- Those of us who don't relate with extreme worlds of the sex industry, porn and kink and yet want to heal, explore and enrich our sex and love lives in a way that is free from dogma and pressure, and more about empowerment and a natural and safe state of pleasure. This is for US. A place to be free from dogma and pressure while learning more about sexuality, and ideally…learning to know ourselves in a deeper more authentic fashion.  So if you don't relate…please just keep moving. Please don't stop and try to convince US why we should reconsider THAT world. Please allow us to have a sacred space where people can be free from the pressure to do this or that in the spirit of faux feminism and hedonist peer pressure, and just explore their own lives naturally. And remember, there's something for everyone so go find it if what we've created doesn't suit your needs :) Peace!

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